Please use the following code from the cron job installation. Please replace [path to arsbuilder] to the real path.
* * * * * cd [path to arsbuilder]; /usr/bin/php core/cron/index.php > /dev/null 2>&1
If you are using some web interface for the cron job installation, please install the script on every minute execution, the script should be used without “*” in this case:
cd [path to arsbuilder]; /usr/bin/php core/cron/index.php
For the correct work of the Ask message board, the chosen reply-to email should be set up the way when the incoming mails are processed by script. You have to add the special account to your mail server settings with the following script as a recipient:
# line from the /etc/aliases community:"|/usr/bin/php [path to arsbuilder]/core/cron/incoming_mail.php"
In this example the “community” alias receive all of the communication board e-mails and forward it to the script.