Problem with the ANZ eGate Merchant-Hosted payment in X-cart

There is the problem with the VPC integration of the ”” payment in the x-cart, some of the parameters are passed incorrectly to the payment. The problem is related with the CVV2 (card security code) passing. For the fix you should replace the following lines in the “payment/cc_anz_mh.php”:

$post[] = "vpc_CardNum=".$userinfo["card_number"];
$post[] = "vpc_CardExp=".substr($userinfo["card_expire"], 2,2).substr($userinfo["card_expire"], 0,2);

on the following:

$post[] = "vpc_CardNum=".$userinfo["card_number"];
$post[] = "vpc_CardSecurityCode=".$userinfo['card_cvv2'];
$post[] = "vpc_CardExp=".substr($userinfo["card_expire"], 2,2).substr($userinfo["card_expire"], 0,2);

This way the CVV2 code will transferred to the payment side.

The test information for the payment:


For the success transaction you have to use 100 as an amount (other information cannot be changed too).