When you use the pop-up detailed images module (like the one in http://gemaffair.com store on product detail pages), you can face a well-known common problem with pop-up images. The images are not loaded for the first time in IE7, IE8 and some FF versions.
The problem solution is pretty simple, the “skin1/main/popup_image_js.js” file should be modified. You should find the following part of the code:
this.links.each( function() { var m = this.href.match(/page=(\d+)/); if (m) this.idx = parseInt(m[1]); this.href = 'javascript:void(0);'; this.onclick = o.change_img; this.onmouseover = o.img_over; this.onmouseout = o.img_out; this.imgNavigator = o; } );
and change the events in this way:
$(this).bind('click', o.change_img); $(this).bind('onmouseover', o.img_over); $(this).bind('onmouseout', o.img_out);
It's rather strange that jquery “trigger” api was used, and “bind” wasn't.